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Are Calendar Planners Worth It?

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are calendar planners worth it?

Why Calendar Planners Are Important

Are calendar planners worth it? Some people do not see the rationale behind buying a calendar planner. Calendar planners can be expensive, but they are worth every penny. Think of the calendar planner for Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos, or the planners of great motivators like Les Brown, Martin Luther King, or some other successful person. You might pay thousands of dollars to get your hands on their planners!

A plan of activities is essential to being successful in all areas of life. A calendar planner is worth the dollars spent, and choosing to spend your money on a strategic calendar scheduling planner can have a positive impact in all areas of your life. Wisdom is often choosing to visualize your goals while also planning actions that will produce the outcomes you desire.

People that struggle to be productive often go about their lives like it’s a crash course, leaving everything to chance. The mentality “whatever happens, happens” comes into play in critical moments. This is something I have personally witnessed in my life, and I believe these people may have achieved their hearts desires had they taken more focused action on what they wanted. I am not judging nor criticizing, but rather learning from observation.

Calendar planning—or journaling in general—was once considered just another unnecessary business task. You might even think that planners popping up everywhere nowadays is just another trend. Are calendar planners really worth it? Yes, I personally use our calendar planner on a daily basis, and I believe this is the foundation for success in all areas of life. It is the first step in our strategic athlete development model.

Athlete Calendar Planner

Family Calendar Planner

Calendar Planners Are a Great Personal and Business Development Resource

Calendar planners are not just a nice to have but they are a great business and personal development resource item for anyone wanting to level up.

The pages in our calendar planners are often associated with life’s responsibilities, key moments, planning activities, health, fitness, business and daily family organization. It is just what a person needs to get on track, stay on task and reach the highest levels of success. If you do not choose our planner, take the time to find one that meets your needs. Here are just a few of the many reasons why calendar planners are really worth your money and your time!

Looking at it, planners should be used the whole year round. If you try to divide the total amount of the planner by the number of days in a year, you’re getting your money’s worth, as planning could actually increase the money you make while decreasing the time it takes to create that new income.

The catch here though is that you must commit and start now. Many people that struggle to reach their goals fail to realize that calendar planning improves commitment and increases the odds of success to succeed. Planners are more than the pretty pages to write on. It is your life vision and daily actions that improve your life and yield the outcomes you want.

Does Calendar Planning Help You Achieve Goals

They help the user achieve goals and organize his or her own life through the process of writing activities down—and actually doing them. If you do not believe in the value of carefully planning your life, there will be a huge tendency to abandon the whole process after a couple of weeks into calendar planning. Often the goals are abandoned, as well.

Calendar planners are for everyone, but especially athletes and high performers. Sticking to the process until goals are realized is the key. I can guarantee that sticking to the process of calendar planning will be rewarding.

Below are many reasons why calendar planners will always remain a staple item in an organized person’s life. Yes, they are worth your money and time, and they are used by high performers for many reasons.

They are customizable to one’s needs and personality

With the popularity of calendar planners, they paved a way for more designs and options for the users. Most planners offer a range of layout and functionality to be able to reach out to their users’ diverse personalities. In some cases, there are blank pages incorporated into the planners just so the user can fully customize the pages.

This allows for creativity to flow. This also gives a feeling of liberty and freedom for the user to do what exactly he or she has in mind without getting restricted by a pre-designed page layout. Pictures and other details could be incorporated within. Talk about creative juices getting to work!

This directly affects one’s motivation in committing to calendar planning. A big bonus is that it could be one form of expression!

They remind you of important dates and events

It is problematic when important dates go unnoticed. What’s even worse is trying to recall details that you had in mind about a project or an event that you failed to record someplace else. The main purpose of a calendar planner is for the important dates to be marked or written down on its pages.

With this, the user can easily list down and remember all important dates like events, deadlines, appointments, and the like. The planner could also be used for writing other important notes down. It works like a tracking device for anything important.

The process of writing things down helps the writer have a better memory. It has been proven that actually writing things down enhances a person’s focus. So the biggest benefit is with the recall of such details stored in one place.

They provide an opportunity to write down thoughts and reflections

Writing down thoughts and reflections over past and future actions help one analyze given situations. In this process, a lot of realization could dawn on the writer. This will help build self-awareness on the part of the owner of the calendar planner. Think of it as a diary double where one’s thoughts and emotions could be immortalized through writing. It can be a form of releasing stress and could also boost motivation.

One benefit of looking back through reflections and realizations is that you can learn from successes and failure, stressor, or trigger. This way, he or she could know better and think of workarounds to future situations that would cause the same reaction. This is also an avenue for honing an attitude of gratitude.

They improve one’s productivity

The biggest source of stress in a person’s life is pressure. Most pressures are caused by the fear of not being able to tend to responsibilities. By having a list of long term and short term goals, the decisions and actions of the owner are unconsciously geared towards the realization of these goals. The simple everyday to-do ensures that all tasks at hand are met and accomplished.

This causes resources and energy to be redirected to things that matter. This prevents the waste of time and could drastically increase one’s productivity rate. Be it work-related or personal life-related, productivity matters. When one is productive, he or she also becomes more efficient.

They help forge healthy habits

It was mentioned earlier that an attitude of gratitude is forged by calendar planning or by journals in general. In reality, a lot of values could be picked up from the whole process. One learns how to prioritize tasks and value meeting deadlines. Time management is also reinforced alongside commitment. Such a commitment could help bring about dramatic changes and improvements in a person’s life. Accountability follows commitment.

The combination of these two things is enough for the owner to come out as a better person who is more self-aware and responsible. Because the energy and resources of the person become focused on the realization of a goal, health concerns are also lessened as stress levels decrease. Bad habits like binge eating or alcohol abuse or even unhealthy sleeping patterns caused by stress can be eliminated.

Calendar Planning Positive Impact

It is a domino effect! A lot of people don’t see the compounding effects of having an unorganized life. Stress and pressure stem from being unaware of how to handle situations that arise in life. Taking care of triggers and causes of stress makes it easier to move on with life. Having organizational skills eliminate burdens.

This is why calendar planners matter! More than a form of expression, the opportunity to reflect, healthy habits formation, and productivity improvement, calendar planners improve a person’s quality of life in ways unimaginable.

Athlete Calendar Planner

Family Calendar Planner