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Are probiotics good for athletes?

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Are probiotics good for athletes?

Benefits of Probiotics for Athletes

Probiotics and Antibiotics: Healing Yourself!

Are probiotics good for athletes? Yes, but as with any supplement, they are most beneficial when used in conjunction with good nutrition and healthy dietary intake. You should always see a qualified medical professional before starting a new diet or supplement. We consider ourselves to be one of the first companies to focus on preventative health options since 2004; however, we are not a medical professionals. We are athletes and technology experts that study and have real-world knowledge and experience.

Probiotics and Antibiotics: Healing after antibiotics

Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed treatments in the United States.  Public health officials have been protesting this for years, urging doctors to lessen their dependence on antibiotics to thwart superbugs and other antibiotic-resistant ailments from taking hold. While antibiotics are an important treatment for some ailments, they should always be used with careful consideration of both the risks and benefits.

The main problem with antibiotics is that they do not distinguish between pathogenic bacteria and beneficial bacteria. When your system is overrun with pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics can be useful in regaining control of the problem. But a course of antibiotics will wipe out the good along with the bad. So, if you find yourself in a situation when you need to use antibiotics, it’s wise to complete the course and follow it with a very healthy diet accompanied by healthy doses of probiotics, in order to replenish the beneficial bacteria. Otherwise, if you simply return to a diet of refined sugar and processed food with no probiotic support, you may find yourself in a worse situation where even more stubborn forms of pathogenic bacteria repopulate your gut.

The GAPS DIET Expert

According to one theory put forth by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, Western medicine’s (and our food industry’s) overindulgence with antibiotics is one of the causing factors contributing to epidemic levels of auto-immune diseases and illnesses, including autism, dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, depression, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, and even cancer.

However, the fact remains that if sickness has been left untreated for long enough, an antibiotic may be the only course of treatment that will work effectively and efficiently.

In that case, there are some steps you’ll want to take to replenish the good bacteria (probiotics) in your gut so that once your antibiotic treatment is over the harmful bacteria won’t beat them to the punch and contribute to more long term health issues that could arise in the future.

Heal After Antibiotics Step 1:

During your course of antibiotics, supplement with one (or all, if possible) of the following probiotic strains: 

  • Saccharomyces boulardii biocodex (the Florastor brand) helps to limit C.diff infections (5) and even supports those who tend to have recurring C.diff infections.
  • VSL #3 (a probiotic supplement with several probiotic strains) has also been shown to reduce the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
  • Lactobacillus GG (found in the Culturelle supplement) has been shown to reduce the occurrence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, as well.

Benefits of Probiotics: Although antibiotics kill any and all bacteria present, supplementing with probiotics during antibiotic treatment may prevent or lessen diarrhea and other unpleasant side effects of antibiotic treatment.  It may also protect your gut from an overgrowth of candida (yeast), which is not affected by antibiotic treatments.

Benefits of Probiotics Suggestions – Once your course of antibiotic treatment is complete, immediately follow up with the following:

  • Continue supplementing with a therapeutic grade probiotic for a few months following your antibiotic treatment.
  • Now that the bad bacteria are theoretically gone, now’s a great time to eat plenty of homemade collagen-rich bone broth!  This will help strengthen your stomach lining and heal your digestive tract.
  • Consume plenty of fermented foods, including organic plain whole milk yogurt, kefir (preferably raw), kimchi, naturally fermented pickles

As always, consult your physician for their recommendations following your antibiotic treatment, but all of the above should be continued for at least a month after your prescription has ended.  It would be wise to continue diligently for a few months, and ideal to continue these habits as a part of your lifestyle to maintain a healthy digestive tract and prevent pathogens from causing the chronic ailment.

Probiotics and Weight Loss? Probiotics Can Help Lose Weight & Belly Fat

Probiotics are microorganisms that have huge health benefits when eaten. They are located in both supplements and fermented foods. Probiotics may improve digestive health, brain health and heart health, immune function, and promote weight loss.

Probiotics and weight loss sound good, but a high-quality probiotic comes with even more benefits.

There are hundreds of diverse microorganisms in your digestive system. The majority of these are gut bacteria, most of which are friendly bacteria that produce several important nutrients, like vitamin K and many B-vitamins. Probiotics also help break down foods and fiber that the body can’t digest.

There are two main families of good gut bacteria: bacteroidetes and firmicutes. Bodyweight seems to be related to the balance of these two families of bacteria.

Studies on Normal Weight versus Obese People

Further studies show humans with normal-weight people have different gut bacteria than overweight or obese people. And one particularly gross reality is it is estimated that most people are carrying around 5 – 20 pounds of fecal matter in their colon (belly). Yuck!!!

More importantly, a healthy person should have 2 – 3 bowel movements per day. If you are constipated for just a day, you could be six bowel movements behind. So giving your body what it needs to break down, digest, and eliminate is ever so critical.

In other words, probiotics can help you break down and get rid of the waste by helping the digestive system break down those foods, and also fighting the bad bacteria in the gut. Probiotics can essentially assist you in maintaining fewer calories from the foods in your diet.

Certain bacteria, like those in the Lactobacillus family, have been found to function in this way.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is one strain you should look for in a good probiotic. As well as a “Bifidobacterium longum probiotic,” a  probiotic with both strains is a bonus.

Probiotics may also fight obesity in some ways:

  • Release of GLP-1: Some probiotics may help release the satiety and appetite-decreasing GLP-1 hormone. Increased levels of this hormone may support burning calories and fat.
  • Increase of ANGPTL4: Probiotics may increase levels of the fat-fighting protein ANGPTL4. This may support reduced levels of fat-storage (16).

There is also some data that shows obesity is linked to inflammation in the brain. There have been several well-researched studies on the link between gut health and brain health. If you look from a basic point of view, the gut is the center of your health, as there are millions of neurological connections from the brain to the gut.  By improving gut health with high-quality probiotics, you may reduce systemic inflammation, brain fog, protect against obesity and other diseases, and lastly, reduce some weight around your midsection.

Zinc for Prostate Health


  1. You need to drink enough water throughout the day – Your body is estimated at 70% water. Drinking water will help you eliminate waste and toxins from your body. Half your body weight in ounces is a good start!
  2. Zinc – Specifically for men: Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men. Researchers have found the trace minerals such as zinc plays an active role in supporting prostate health. In fact, prostate cells acquire more zinc than do cells in any other human tissue.
  3. You must exercise – exercising daily helps your digestive system get moving. Implementing twisting exercising around the waistline is also beneficial.
  4. You should have a diet high in fiber and vegetables.
  5. You should include fermented foods to add variety to the healthy bacteria in your gut
  6. Take a high quality probiotic to increase the population of healthy bacteria in your gut
  7. Get proper rest 6 – 9 hours

List of the 7 The Best Probiotics Weight Loss

Probiotics are not weight loss supplements, but what they can do is help you eliminate fecal matter in your system. Which can be 5 to 25 pounds or more depending on the person. Here is a list of the absolute best probiotics available:

  1. Garden of Life
  2. Wellness of Life – Angela Harris
  3. Renew-Life
  4. Culturelle Digestive Health Probiotic
  5. MegaFoods Mega Flora
  6. Dr. Ohhira probiotics
  7. Bio-K+ Probiotics


Here is our 7 Strain 5 Billion Ultimate Gut Health Probiotic, which has been an Amazon choice product for the bacterium longum strain – it’s ours, and it’s available on Amazon!


GAPS™ Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, Medinform Publishing; Revised & enlarged edition (November 15, 2010)]]>