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How can I make my shy child confident?

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how to help my shy child

5 Tips To Help Your Child Go from Shyness to Lion Cub

Are you struggling to help your shy child? Does your funny, loving, and confident child while at home turn into a different child in social situations. As a coach of girls youth soccer ages 5 – 8, I have seen all types of kids. Some of them are wise beyond there years, so well behaved and respectful that you want to hire them to teach “Making Corporate American a Great place to Work.” Other children have a comedic personality that will cause you to lose composure in laughter. Other children have apparent talent, beautiful shining light, but they are somewhat hesitant.

This is sometimes called shyness, lack of confidence, passiveness, or some other label that is used to explain away a child’s behavior. Children rarely do things just because; often, they learn through observation, or they are seeing something that we as adults are not seeing. I will say I am not a Dr., but I have coached young people, trained athletes, and studied mindset during my professional athletic career and professional career. So I will provide proven methods that have helped me inspire and bring out the lion in the shyest of kids.

5 Tips To Help Your Child Go from Shyness to Confidence:

Do not criticize

As a parent, coach, or teacher of children, you must never criticize a child that is showing a lack of confidence or hesitant behavior. The best way to speak to the heart of a child is reacting to them on their level. This includes looking at them when you talk to them, encouraging the child, and stating how much you believe in the child. Children are much more aware and intelligent than we as adults give them credit for. They can sense body language and other communication cues that relate to anger, resentment or love, support, and encouragement.

Last year I coached an 8-year-old girl Julian that was showing signs of shyness and confidence issues. I could sense that there might be more to the story, but I never asked nor pressed. I chose never to criticize her if she missed a play, or seemed to be distracted. This created the right environment because Julian never felt uncomfortable in who she was. I embraced her shyness as wisdom; may she had good reason. She did not know any of her teammates or me before being on the girl’s soccer team.


My method with Julian was always to encourage and inspire. I would congratulate her on the smallest achievement while encouraging her that she could do more. For example, I would say, “great play Julian. I love how you sprint to the ball.” I would then follow up the celebration with, “now dribble the ball until an opponent comes to decent you then pass it.”

Eventually, by seasons end, she was not the shy girl; she would look me in the eye, nod her head and smile. That was enough for me.

Listen and Emphasize

Always listen to a child that is showing signs of shyness and lack of confidence. Listen with the intent to understand deeply what they are saying and place yourself in their shoes.

Support the child’s unique thoughts and creativity

Children that are challenged with shyness are often hesitant to share their thoughts or showoff their talents. If you ever catch, watch, or witness a child expressing their gifts or willing to show off. Celebrate them, smile, and encourage them to do more.

Limit interruptions

Always allow your child to express themselves. This does not mean in disrespectful ways. Disrespect should not be tolerated. As a coach, I have found when children understand that they are heard, they tend to give the team and me more effort.

In Julian’s situation, I was told by her mother that Julian had been bullied at her previous school so much that they chose to transfer schools. I could not believe cause Julian was such a wonderful girl to coach. One of my favorites!

How can I help my shy child play sports?

The best way to help your child play sports is to find what games they may like. It is easy to get children involved in activities that they enjoy. A proven method is to play sport with the child. Start playing a different game with your child in the back yard. Typically you will find one if not a few they like. Be open-minded; sports like skateboarding, snowboarding are just as enjoyable as traditional American sports.

Lastly, always identity healthy coaches and children that can support your child in their early development. The worn coach or children can make matters more complicated. You can overcome everything with love and the power of God. But you must still be wise in who’s the authority you place your child under.

What causes a child to be shy?

Several studies say about 20$ of people tend to be shy. But again none of the studies where conducted on every single person in the world. Everyone is divinely and uniquely created. Thus all of us will be different. These differences include cultural, racial, economic, and life experiences that uniquely influence each us. Shyness could be wisdom; a child may be sensing something that another is not aware of. The most crucial factor is teaching the child to thrive, even when circumstances are not ideal.

How can I help my shy child socialize?

But you must be wise in who’s authority you place your child under. Look for children that are healthy and also have healthy parents. Kind children will often have good parents.

I hate to say this, but children often learn bullying, rude behavior, and nastiness from their parents or from parents that accept such action. Children under the age of 10 have yet to experience enough life to be so nasty on their merit.

What do you do when your child has no friends?

If your child has no friends, you must first identify what type of environment you are living in. Is it safe, is it a socially healthy environment? Assess if your child is seeing something that you are to seeing.

Ask yourself as a parent who is your friend? Do they have children? Can your families get together?

The family gets together is an excellent way for like-minded families to get together, break bread, and allow the children to play in a safe environment.

What type of people and children is suitable for my shy child?

People that are empathetic, kind, supportive, and encouraging.

The type of suitable for a shy child are ones that are kind, supportive, funny, loving, and encouraging.

What sports are suitable for a shy child?

Individual sports are excellent, such as skateboarding, skiing, motocross, track and field, and surfing. There is an article element associated with these sports.

Additionally, any team sport that has a great coach and supports healthy children can be an excellent environment for a shy child.

The environment is more important than the sport you choose.

Is shyness a bad thing in sports?

Shyness is not a bad thing in sport as it is the perfect place to develop the athletic and life skills that promote a prepared person that can thrive in nonideal situations and succeed in all as[etc. Of life.

What sport is better and individual or team sports for a shy child?


The environment is more important than the sport you choose.


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