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Soccer – A Great Sport for Teenage Girls?

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is soccer a good sport for girls

Is Soccer a Good Sport for Girls?

Soccer is a sport that is watched all over the world. Many of us assume this is a man’s sport. Many of us would probably picture a field of guys, running around with a ball and trying to score a goal against an opponent, and at the same time managing to shout as loud as possible “over here, over here,” urging their team players to pass the ball!

From the onset, people always associate soccer with the male gender because of its style, which is usually rough and requires a lot of running around, dribbling, shouting, and even shoving.

what is the right age for girls to start soccer


What is the best age to start soccer?

The appealing attributee of soccer is that everyone can participate. People from all over the world and all ages can kick a ball, not like Messi, but they can have fun trying. The best ages are under 8 – 11, if you want to have the best chance of playing.

What do casual fans think of the word ‘soccer’?

Soccer, or as it is more commonly known, ‘Football’ has to be one of the most popular sports in the world, if it isn’t already. People from all over the world share a common interest in soccer, which is why almost every country has its home team and have citizens who are fans of different football clubs aside from their home team.

We know sports are forms of exercise, and children need the training to be healthy both physically and mentally. So we encourage them to go into games, especially soccer.

I have observed that most people generally have a skewed idea that soccer is solely for males. But this is obviously a false notion, as more girls and women are engaging in soccer and many other sports daily.

It is also quite apparent that boys play soccer quite differently from how girls play. There’s always a feeling when watching boys soccer that they are more aggressive. When my little six-year-old girl plays the game, she and her teammates are more tactful. They take their time to make the right decisions. They say “sorry” often when they step on each other’s shoes, and they always stop to help a fallen player. Not so much with boys, who seem to enjoy a more rough and tumble experience, and with few to no apologies! 

Soccer is a Great Sport for Girls

Many people do not know this, but playing soccer has been proven to be one of the best sports for girls, as they stand to benefit more than we really can imagine. Because soccer is viewed as a man’s sport, girls who engage in soccer benefit from going against the gender stigma and encouraging other girls to participate in the sport.

Women like Marta Vieira Da silva, Mia Hamm, Michelle Akers, and a host of many others have proven that women can do well in the field of soccer. They have typically broken the stereotype that says women can’t play football or excel at it.

Aside from the benefits enjoyed by both genders who engage in soccer, girls stand to gain more in terms of confidence levels by teaching them to have positive body image perceptions and feel more comfortable in their skin.

Also, playing soccer helps girls develop an optimistic attitude towards the sport and life in general, encouraging them to have a “can-do” attitude towards obstacles and challenges.

Is Soccer a Good Sport for Girls

Is soccer a girl’s sport?

Soccer teaches the importance of teamwork, striving for excellence, and cooperation. Being part of a team builds interpersonal skills, as it requires healthy communication and the ability to solve problems quickly. These skills transfer over into other aspects of life, providing a framework for teaching young people how to lead, how to assist, and how to work together to achieve a common goal.

We need to know that there will always be differences among teammates. Hence, soccer will help teach girls the importance of conflict resolution among opposing team members, which in the long run builds up quality leadership skills. This is the best outcome in a healthy atmosphere.

But when the environment is unhealthy, young girls can become toxic, creating popularity contests, divisions, and employing emotional bullying tactics. With the right coaching, however, the sporting environment will more often than not separate the bad toxic athletes from those that desire achievement.

Soccer also encourages girls to be assertive. Over time, they develop a bold attitude/personality that may appear feisty but is essential, especially if she will be choosing soccer as a career, or pursuing other careers where women executives are not common.  

Health Benefits of Girls’ Soccer

Female soccer players have a lesser chance of falling ill, because the sport improves their cardiovascular health. You should know that chasing the ball up and down the field is a form of aerobic exercise that has proven to be excellent for the heart and lungs. Football also develops muscles, and it improves both balance and coordination. Research has also shown that women who exercise regularly have a decreased risk of developing breast cancer, so instilling a love for this type of exercise at a young age can benefit girls well into their adult years.  

Soccer is a good sport for girls because it enables them to build beautiful friendships with their teammates, and even their opponents. This is because women don’t just see soccer as a sport but as a means of bonding, creating a unique sisterhood that consists of a large family of women who support and cheer each other on. These connections may be made on or off the field and are likely to last for a lifetime.

Soccer also helps girls enhance their skills in concentration, persistence, and self-discipline, which are essential life skills. 

In soccer, players have to think fast, knowing what pass to make, the best ways to dribble against their opponents, and most importantly, how to get the ball into the desired goal post. Soccer promotes cognitive flexibility and development, teaching girls to think fast and lucidly.

Girls also get to learn core values, like respect for both coaches and opponents alike, self-responsibility for the team’s losses and wins, and improved sportsmanship.

Soccer Can Alleviate Social Anxiety

Soccer can also improve mental health. There are hormones secreted in the brain when players engage in physical activities which trigger positive chemical reactions in our bodies, which contribute to feeling good.  

It’s also a great avenue to relieve stress. As we grow older and face more challenges in school and life, this kind of stress relief can be vital to maintaining a positive attitude.

This is not to say that girls are immune to the injuries often encountered in the game of soccer. There will be torn ligaments, a few broken bones, bruised knees, concussions, and sprains, but these should not discourage young female players. Once the right tackling techniques are learned, there is a lower probability of encountering such on the field.

Is Soccer a Good Sport for all Girls?

Along the line, there will be other challenges, especially in terms of finance and support. For young girls, these challenges may come in the form of low funds to purchase soccer gears and jerseys. No help from schools or communities to enable them to participate in interschool tournaments, and this might discourage lots of these girls, leaving them with no option but to drop out of their teams. These should not, however, deter girls from engaging in the sport.  

Women need to know that they shouldn’t be restricted by what society thinks of women who play soccer, but rather encourage them to improve their sportsmanship and strive to excel.

It’s exciting to see girls on the field, pushing themselves beyond their limits, and trying to do more. If you want to see your little girl grow to become an athletic, bold woman who is not afraid to tackle problems head on, then soccer may be the sport for her.

Soccer can teach girls teamwork and cooperation. It boosts their confidence and self-esteem, guarantees their physical fitness, instills core values of self-discipline and respect. Additionally, soccer promotes conflict resolution skills as well as develop their leadership skills. With so many combined benefits, soccer is an excellent sport for girls around the world to play.


What is the best sport for a girl?

There are many sports for girls. Young girls should not be placed in a box and should be allowed to explore diverse sporting endeavors. With that being said, great sports for girls include gymnastics, swimming, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Extreme games include snowboarding, skiing, wakeboarding, skateboarding, and surfing.

What is the best sport for a teenage girl?

Some of the best sports for teenage girls include but are not limited to dance, soccer, swimming, tennis, beach volleyball, rock climbing, mountain biking, BMX and basketball.

What is the cheapest sport to play?

Some of the cheapest sports at the basic level are swimming, soccer, skateboarding, and track. All of these can increase in cost as you reach a competitive level.

What's the most dangerous sport?

Some of the most dangerous sports in the world include; gymnastics, base jumping, rugby, MMA, cheerleading, bull riding, and horseback riding.