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Mindset Coaching Program

strategic planning for success

GET YOUR MIND RIGHT! One-on-One Mental Performance Training

An Elite Customized Athletic Development Program

Souletics® Virtual Mindset Coaching is built for committed and determined athletes. We provide the strategies, tools, and materials for only the 11 most qualified athletes per year; helping them achieve their highest goals in athletics, life, entrepreneurship, and beyond. 

We Only Accept 11 Applicants Per Year

Due to the commitment we make and the desire to see our athletes succeed, we only have availability for 11 athletes. We do not discriminate on selection based on the level of competition, or affiliation. We support athletes at all levels and find great joy seeing athletes make progress, no matter the age, level, or affiliation.

Virtual Mindset Coaching for Athletes Around the World

This in-depth one-on-one mindset coaching program covers the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of athletic and life achievement. We keep our attendance low to ensure that we can deliver the individual attention each athlete needs. Our focus is to provide a full year of high-level coaching, guidance, strategies for success, and athletic training that will propel each athlete to the next level of success.

Mindset coaching is the core of what we do. We have coached athletes from a variety of sports and all walks of life, including soccer, motorsports, BMX, basketball and American football. This virtual package allows us to assist people from all over the world. Additionally, we offer support for student-athletes who speak English as their second language. Our English as a Second Language (ESL) Program is only available to Spanish and Portuguese speaking participants.

Take your Game to the Next Level

We help athletes develop a next-level mental game, mental fortitude, awareness, and decision making.

While we focus on developing athletic ability, improving fitness, and sport-specific skills, we spend extra time learning who you are as an athlete and what your specific life challenges are so that we can help you overcome whatever stands in your way of reaching that next level. All of our coaches are successful athletes in their own right who have achieved at the highest levels of athletic competition and business. We’ve walked the walk, and now we are sharing, guiding, and teaching.  We have been in the industry of mindset and peak performance development for over 18 years. We are leaders and innovators in this space and have been since 2004.

A.I. Powered Athlete Evaluation

We use our proprietary Artificial Intelligence athlete evaluation tool to give you straightforward data insights of athletes most like you. With most pro teams utilizing some form of Artificial Intelligence for recruiting purposes, an A.I. evaluation will give you an edge in determining where you stand against the competition. 

But not only do we use our technology to assess your athletic potential, we also provide a detailed roadmap from youth sports all the way through the draft process and how to maintain an elite level professional career. We believe in empowering athletes to transcend their physical discipline into mental and spiritual discipline and become assets to their families and communities. We call it “socially responsible technology,” because we use Artificial Intelligence in a way that benefits, rather than exploits, athletes and society as a whole.

Who Is This Course For?

  • Professional athletes
  • Elite athletes
  • Serious athletes
  • Parents and athlete seeking guidance

How Will Mindset Coaching Help Me?

Every athlete can benefit greatly from mindset coaching. While talent and hard work will take you far, there is another level of greatness that can only be achieved by having the right mindset.

In light of how rapidly the sports industry is currently changing, this program is designed to help you navigate these changes and keep stride ahead of your competition. This virtual yet personal program (live streaming + 1 on 1 phone calls) will help athletes maximize their talents, increase the opportunity for athletic success, and make better decisions concerning their athletic careers. Decision making as it pertains to athletics is the most important factor in determining athletic success and, more importantly, life success. With this program, we help athletes build a proper success strategy, maximize physical training, limit unnecessary obstacles.

How Do I Get Started?

  • The total cost of the program is $2400 per year.
  • We do not sell, pressure, negotiate or capture emails and personal information to bother you regularly. 
  • Our process requires commitment, as we do not want athletes or parents that are not serious or feel pressured to be part of our community. 
  • To get started, click the link below and submit payment. Your payment will be held as a deposit while we evaluate your application. If you are not accepted to the program, your payment will be completely refunded within 5-7 business days. Upon payment, you will receive an email with instructions to start the application and program process.
  • Click “Get In Touch” below to ask questions. 


Contact us for a consultation.