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Overcoming Obstacles in Sports and Life – Is Meditation The Answer?

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overcome obstacles in sports

How do you overcome adversity in sport?

As we are faced with the challenges of COVID-19 we must all take action to overcome this unique adversity. My hope and expectation are that this not only helps athletes, but that it will benefit anyone who comes across this article.

Along with positive actions such as exercising and being supportive of those in need, mediation and prayer are actions we can all take to promote overall wellness and community.

7 Quick Steps to Overcome Difficult Circumstances in sport

  • Think about the past challenges you have overcome
  • Visualize success
  • Write every minor victory in life you have overcome
  • Reach out to trusted friends who can support you
  • Repeat positive affirmations
  • Do a high-intensity workout
  • Work on high skill level drills that require maximum focus

Do athletes meditate?

Yes, athletes meditate. Athletes such as Chris Paul, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and others have stated that they use meditation and visualization daily.

I use mediation and prayer every day, multiple times a day. It is my rock, my fortress, and my foundation.

What challenges do athletes face as they become more competitive?

As athletes reach high levels of competition, they face new challenges and adversity such as:

  • High Expectations
  • High-level competition requires more focus and energy
  • Social Approval – More fans have new and increasing expectations
  • Showing strength – Athletes feel they must at all times portray invincibility because they feel people are looking for them to fail, or others, like the media, will use weakness against them
  • Perfectionism – Athletes feel the need to be perfect, which is impossible. This can cause the athlete to behave in overly safe ways because, again, any mistake they receive they make is used against them. This is especially true when comparing black athletes with athletes from other demographics. Hockey players, MLB players, are not discussed with the same level of scrutiny as NFL and NBA players.

A problematic circumstance or sports obstacle is anything that blocks one’s way, prevents or hinders progress. If you do not address your obstacles head-on, you will fail to progress or have the life you truly want.

Let me let you in on a secret:  Just the fact that you are living right now, breathing this moment, and can take action right now is all you need to overcome your obstacles.

Overcoming Obstacles Regardless of Your Situation

You see, all of us have experienced challenges, setbacks, obstacles, tragedy, heartache, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and much more.  Surely you have already overcome something just to be here reading this text right now.  You have met a challenge and overcome a difficult obstacle.

As a winner, you need to acknowledge your win. You need to celebrate your triumphant victory.

You see, many times we don’t see ourselves correctly; we don’t acknowledge our victories and conquests. We don’t give ourselves enough kudos for the tenacity and determination we have consistently applied to keep moving through all of life’s circumstances.

There are few Bible passages about overcoming adversity:

You are more than a conqueror. (Romans 8:37)

You were not given a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

You are unique: before you were formed, you were known (Jeremiah 1:5),

and you were wonderfully made despite that circumstance that may have brought us to this world. (Psalm 139:14)

You, yes, you, are your best example to overcome your obstacles, because you have exhibited victory over and over during your life.

You were uniquely created to overcome all the challenges and obstacles you face. No one else was made for the specific problems you have and will encounter.

And if, by any chance, you might be struggling against your very first obstacle in life, let this be an opportunity for you to know that you were created as a conqueror, lacking fear, with infinite power, love, and a sound mind. And knowing these truths, you can be confident that you will triumph, and this will be the example you look to as you face future obstacles in your life.

Gratitude, Strength, Peace, Faith & Fortitude.

Knowing You are Not a Product of Your Current Situation

I am not a product of my current situation. I am a product of how I choose to respond. Let me take charge of all that I can and place the rest in the hands of God. People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does luck, so it is recommended that you respond to the obstacles you face with an intelligence, better strategy, and more efficient work effort.

All that you desire in life is often behind big obstacles that put fear in you. To succeed, your WHY for success must be larger than the challenges and your fear of failure.

What do I do to overcome obstacles, challenges, or problems?

I use prayer and meditation. A simple practice of daily prayer and meditation can help you overcome your challenges.

Does meditation help with sports?

Yes, it does; there are over 50 studies by prestigious institutions that highlight the benefits of meditation on sports performance and your mindset.

The majority of us get so carried away with the day to day grind that we can easily neglect one essential aspect of our health.  That is the health of our soul. It’s probably the easiest thing to overlook, as the effects are more subtle and don’t always return an immediate consequence the way neglecting to eat, brush your teeth, or talk with your spouse might yield.

And then there are times when you just find it difficult to press in.  You may have the time set aside, but you feel dull, uninspired, and detached from your spiritual source.  These are times when it’s good to take a step back and evaluate some ways to improve your spiritual connection.

What is the importance of meditation in sports?

Improve your Daily Prayer and Meditation – Practice affirmations

1. Meditating on positive words or scripture is one sure way to stay optimistic and accomplish your deepest desires. Examples of great statements include: Combating Fear -“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Focusing on Purity – “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” Ephesians 4:8

How do you meditate before a game?

1. Improve your daily prayer and meditation by focusing on success.

2. Play inspirational music in the background

Playing music might sound in opposition to meditation, but the right music can put you in the right state to allow your mind to open and focus on things that may difficult to focus on otherwise. The music should be void of vulgar language, anger, materialism, and other topics that promote external vices.

3. “Creating a Place to Revitalize the Soul.”

Create a quiet place, a secret place that is special to you, and is a place that provides you comfort peace & solitude. This may be a small closet, a room, or any area of your choosing you feel comfortable with.

4. Take a deep breath, inhaling with your nose.

Feel the wind as it enters your body. Concentrate on getting this breath as deep as it will go, from your nose as you inhale to deep down in your lower stomach or chest as you push out. Take your time and create your own pace. Concentrate on breath and your subject, whether it’s love, thankfulness, gratitude, loyalty, etc.…

5. Cleansing yourself physically has a similar effect on your mind.

Taking a shower or bath will tend to wash away the day’s stress and prepare you for a meditation/prayer session. Realize that prayer/meditation is best approached as a long-term discipline, one that offers invaluable benefits for those who persevere and stay consistent.

What is the best way to overcome obstacles in sport?

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. – Matthew 17:20

As children, we used to see things with such hope and optimism.  It wasn’t difficult to have faith.  But as we grow, we experience life and disappointments, and hoping for things that appear out of reach can feel childish.

Faith is the thing that keeps you moving towards those things that are good, which causes you to keep moving when nothing else will. Hope is simply to trust in those things you cannot see nor touch, but that you believe will come true. Faith is the opposite of fear, as faith hopes for the best outcome.

What is the best way to overcome obstacles in life?

The best way to overcome obstacles is by maintaining faith through the difficulty. Keep faith that things will get better.

Sports Performance Requires Faith – Why is Faith Important?

Great athletic feats, great music, art, and outstanding accomplishments are all results of some magnificent dream that someone had to see beyond their current reality. Living by faith is simply not relying on your sight. If people reached for only the things that could see, the world would lack progression and creativity. The fact that people reach for the unseen is why the world is so beautiful.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1