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What is the main purpose of goal setting for athletes?

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What is the main purpose of goal setting for athletes?

What is the purpose of setting goals for athletes?

What is the main purpose of goal setting for athletes? Positive psychology believes that humans are always geared toward maturity and development. No matter the flaws, we always end up striving for success.

The end goal always focuses on reaching an aspiration, fulfilling a dream, or even getting something that we think is of value to us.

Almost every one of us aims to achieve our goals and become successful in endeavors we try to face. Unknown to most, every endeavor is mental! It is more than just hard work or determination.

The demands of the physical and mental aspects along the way are grueling. In the field of sports, athletes are trained to have a growth mindset to meet the demands of the sport. It is deemed crucial that they train and play according to a game plan and goals set by themselves or their team. This is what separates a professional athlete from a regular one. The process of goal setting is on another level for them. But what is goal setting in general, and what is its main purpose?

Goal setting is a tedious and rewarding process.

This is usually observed on a daily basis for consistency is key to the success of the main goal. This is done by athletes to prepare for the future and to monitor their improvement just so they can devise ways to help better themselves. It is helpful not just in the field of sports, but in every aspect of life.

Goal setting is often described as a mental exercise that has a direct effect on one’s commitment toward a chosen goal. However, it is safe to know that goals are different. They could be outcome, performance, or process goals.

A performance goal is focused on making improvements over time.

This is like a plan for enhancing an athlete’s skill when it comes to better achieving goals. Outcome goals focus on a desired determined outcome. Process goals are the things a competitor zooms in on in relation to the determined skill or outcome.

All of these are important, and so proper goal setting is a necessary factor in an athlete’s journey.
In order for an athlete to actualize their goals, they must employ strategies to help them reach their fullest potentials and actually get to their goal. Again, it is more than hard work and determination!

The following are some of the proven strategies that we could all learn from.

Set goals that are SMART!

In the academe, teachers were trained to set SMART goals for their daily learning plans.

The reason why we see the same acronym in goal setting for athletes is that they work! Both in classrooms and in the sports field, learning is a continuous process.

SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. These characteristics of an objective are very descriptive of their logic on why they should be followed. It is not just about setting a goal–rather, it is about carefully planning how a goal should be realized.

Being specific to a goal actually leads an athlete’s energy and resources in the right place. Identifying a timeline for the relevant and attainable goal avoids the unnecessary waste of time and resources.

When a goal is measurable, it gives an athlete an opportunity to identify the level of success gathered at the end of the individual journey.

List down and monitor goals!

The goal-setting process does not stop in having principles when it comes to the goals that an athlete wants to achieve. It also entails a lot of monitoring and configuring. Listing them down and actually analyzing the success levels, good practices, and areas for improvement works magic!


If a goal is forgotten, then it would be for naught. Having this form of reminder increases the success rate of an athlete. Having a list of goals prevents you from losing track. This helps you shape up and see what works and what doesn’t.

Goal-setting for athletes is indeed an integral part of their success journey.

But one may ask, “What’s in it?” Why must athletes add to the time consuming and physically demanding aspect of training? Isn’t a good diet and proper mindset enough?

To tell you the truth, an athlete could just stick to those mentioned above. But if the goal is to go above and beyond, goal-setting must strictly be followed. There is a reason why professional and elite athletes get to where they are.

A lot of sacrifices and investments in many forms have been made by these elite athletes. All of these sacrifices and denials are for the glory of becoming a successful athlete! Success is not just about fame or awards, though. Success is beyond recognition. The following items would help enlighten us on the real value of success through goal-setting.

Sense of control

If an athlete successfully gets through goal-setting, he will have the right attitude when it comes to success.

The goal-setting process is draining, but if an athlete internalizes and realizes that the strategies goal-setting asks of him are what would lead him to success, then there will be better results. It is about taking control of the journey and not the “end goal,” driving the athlete to action. It is an empowering feeling to be on top of your endeavors.

Confidence and improved performance

While the saying “practice makes perfect” is not necessarily true, we cannot deny the power of practicing! Repetition–especially in similar competitions joined by the athlete–promotes self-confidence.

By having self-confidence, the athlete performs better, thus increasing the success rate. This also reinforces an athlete’s belief and confidence in himself. The only competition should be with the self and not with others! This also drives the athlete to move to a more challenging goal.

With a more challenging goal, testing the limit follows. This is like a domino effect. Repetition leads to confidence. Confidence leads to more challenging goals and requires more hard work for the athlete. This is, in general, how goal-setting affects an athlete.

Goal Setting Can Increase Motivation and optimism

Goal-setting provides a clearer path for the athlete to take. This is a game plan and a blueprint on how to approach a goal. Because the goal is clarified, the athlete becomes clearer on his intentions and strategies that work.

This, in part, allows for the athlete to pursue the goal with such determination.

He feels confident and has a positive outlook on life. Some research has proven that values like optimism and hope have a direct effect on goal management. Remember, a healthy mindset causes fruitful results!

Conclusion, what is the main purpose of goal setting for athletes?

Like in any endeavor, goal-setting is truly beneficial.

This is the drive that helps an athlete plan and performs better to achieve a goal. It has several benefits and greatly affects the success rate of achieving goals.

It is safe to remember that while the benefits are several, there is still a disadvantage. If goal-setting is not handled properly, it could be a cause of anxiety, frustration, and stress.

This is why setting realistic goals must always be considered. Couple goal-setting with the right attitude and proper strategies, and an athlete could surely go a long way! Goal-setting for athletes is indeed a game-changer for a very basic reason–it ensures the right state of mind that could lead to success!


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