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Soccer Mindset: Inside The Mind of Lionel Messi

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soccer mindset

Soccer Mindset – A Mind Prepared for War Games 

A soccer mindset is a mental makeup that is prepared to think strategically while suffering. 

The mindset of Messi is rare, he is one of futbol greatest players.

Lionel “The Leo” Messi grew up in a small, simple town in  Argentina.

His story, like that of so many great athletes and people, is one of the tremendous roadblocks, struggle, and ultimately triumph. Like many greats, he could have easily allowed himself to be counted out.

At 10, he was diagnosed with a rare hormone issue. His small stature was a problem and a huge hindrance for those that conducted the eyeball test.

Lionel Messi standing at 5′ 6” inches tall became one of the greatest players in the history of soccer.

Messi is one of the few players that actually seems to go faster with the ball than without it.

Disadvantaged in many ways by his short stature, Lionel Messi chose to leverage off his lower center of gravity and focus his mind and energy on his greater agility, his greater balance, his greater speed, and his greater ball control.

Soccer players from 7 to 9.5 miles per game. Additionally, they are under constant attacks and strategy changes.


A soccer player allowing a small distraction or loss of focus can be the difference in scoring or being scored on. Soccer is a game of strategy and endurance.


It is often the team that maintains focus while also keep energy levels that win the game.


Winning or losing can happen in the blink of an eye and during the last second. 

Because of this precision and required endurance, soccer players must have a mindset that is locked in at all times, focused, and a mindset that is willing to suffer because you will, at some point, get extremely tired during a 90-minute match. 


If you’re serious about improving your basketball mindset, performance, improving your soccer mindset, and your cognitive function, you’ll need to implement and know about these crucial variables to brain health.

Nutrition variables for Brain Health:

1. Essential Nutrition Brain Fitness Program:

Vitamin D increases nerve growth in your beautiful brain. Researchers have also located pathways for vitamin D in the memory center, and cerebellum of the brain.


These areas are responsible for planning, processing of information, and the formation of new memories. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with low brain function in older people. Sun exposure is a necessary component for optimal health. 

2. Gut Nutrition for Basketball Mindset Mastery

Gut Health (“Gut and Psychology Syndrome”): Your gut is your “second brain.” Your gut bacteria biome transmits information to your brain via the vagus nerve, the tenth cranial nerve that runs from your mind stem into your enteric nervous system (the nervous system of your gastrointestinal tract).


Lousy gut flora can cause many issues. It has been tied to acne, ADD, ADHD, and yes, brain dysfunction. Natasha McBride created the GAPS diet to address Gut and Psychology issues. 

Your gut health can negatively or positively impact your brain function, psyche (soul), and behavior.

Try introducing probiotics, fermented vegetables, yogurt into your diet.


In addition to eliminating sugar, one of the best ways to support gut health is to consume beneficial(good) bacteria.

How Athletes Need to Build a Soccer Mindset and Train The Brain

It is often believed that any brain function loss was irreversible. But studies have proven that “brain plasticity” or new growth continues to make new neurons throughout life in response to mental activity, diet, and lifestyle choices. 

Soccer Specific Mindset Training is one of the Keys to Maintaining Brain Health and Soccer success.

Just like your body, the brain must be stimulated, challenged, and fed the right resources. We are meant to progress, evolve, and use brain muscle.


A key to brain training is testing your brain daily by reading, memorizing numbers, and remembering phone numbers without needing our favorite smartphone.


Technology, in many ways, has lowered brain function. Tell a vision or as I like to say “Tell Lies To Your Vision” actually decreases brain activity. As I suggested above, keep it new and fresh.

Athletes Can Benefit Greatly from Brain Training?

Everybody’s brain is plastic, meaning it can stretch, grown, change develop. This means you can develop a better brain and soccer mindset. So no matter what your age or current level of brain function, your mind can improve to some degree or other.


Brain training is often used on children with learning issues, but athletes, seniors, and adults of all ages are also starting to use brain training programs, and all age groups have been found to reap significant rewards.


The NFL and other sports are starting to using brain training as part of there concussion protocol processes. 

Benefits of Mindset Training

Carefully controlled studies on seniors and brain training have also been done. After 40 hours of computer-based brain training programs, the average improvement in brain cognitive performance was 11 years of recovery.


A perfect example is if you were 80 years old, after 40 hours of brain training, your cognitive abilities could operate like that of a 69-year older adult.


What would happen if brain training was an everyday part of life? In some situations, there was a larger improvement; the effect can be found in 40-50-year olds using the program.

So, how does soccer mindset training program work, and what’s the optimal way to implement it to maximize the benefits? There’s a goo data amount of scientific research that indicates the more attentively engaged a person is in a task, the better the brain will perform.

Simple Everyday Actions to Take To Help You Soccer Mindset

  • Stimulate yourself with new challenges
  • Be present
  • Switch up your routine and take a walk in nature – without the iPhone
  • Give yourself quiet time
  • Maintain proper nutrition
  • Engage in positive social environments

All of these new actions will stimulate the brain in different ways. Newness, freshness – you’re positioning yourself like a child, which ultimately can positively affect the brain.

To reduce the damaging effects of unfortunate circumstances, poor diet, stress, and negative social programming (TV), you must train your brain daily!

Recommended Reading: 5th Pillar of Mental Dominion By Souletics®

If you want to get your mind right, overcome your roadblocks and win in life, 4th and 5th Pillar of Mental Dominion™ is the book to read. This book simplifies the path to success by revealing 21 factors of influence over your life and how to use these skills to your advantage.


It gives you practical ways to overcome the personal, generational, and external limiting factors that keep you from reaching your full potential. Don’t delay – your brain depends on you taking ACTION!

Have a proper mindset starts with being motivated to be better, do better, and ultimately pursue and maintain a standard of excellence.

Mindset Coach

A mental training coach can assist you in navigating the nuances of goal setting, maintaining peak fitness, and getting the results you desire. A mindset coach can assist you in staying motivated and making these critical changes to your life. I know what’s it’s like to be down and out.

Often this is this time we need to get motivated enough to make the change that will transform our lives. Before you can get your desired result, you must be motivated to do something. You must be driven to take action. We can help you in this area!



…you will take action; you will be held accountable

See when you start to define your why? Take action and be held accountable it will result in the transformation required for massive results.

So learning “How to have a Good Mindset” is more than reading a great article or getting a few tips it is a combination of training your brain, having a healthy diet, having the right mindset coaches, and staying motivated to do the work daily.

How to Become Mentally Strong

In today’s time, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy outlook and disposition. Every day we’re inundated with imagery, information, and temptations that may chip away at our resolve to stay healthy and keep our minds focused. Small compromises build up, and over time we may find that we’ve ventured further from our path than we ever intended.

It’s important to take a mental assessment of ourselves now and then, to self evaluate and make sure we’re on track with where we envision ourselves heading. To assist in this effort, we’ve compiled 7 action steps that will help build mental strength to endure tough situations and maintain solid ground in the face of temptation.

7 Actions to take to Become Mentally Strong

  1. Do not speak negatively about yourself. Whenever negative thoughts enter your mind, replace them with positive thoughts. Mentally tough people don’t waste time thinking about adverse circumstances or allowing negative pictures to stay in their minds. You should continuously repeat positive affirmations to yourself every time a negative thought enters. For example: replace “I can’t handle this” with “I am strong, I have a vision, and I have what it takes to reach my goals and accomplish anything I desire.”
  2. Stay away from people who dismiss or diminish your goals. People that have a hard time encouraging you should not be in your circle of friends. Those who are indifferent or unsupportive of things that you care about will over time wear you down and make you question your endeavors. Likewise, you should avoid people that you aren’t able to encourage and support. Often you will find those positive people who you want to support will likely be inclined to support you, too.
  3. Stop trying to please everyone. We are surrounded by an environment and society that promotes and encourages the avoidance of conflict. We also live in a world that is more concerned with popular opinion than the truth. Most likely, your truth, your passion, and your way of doing things may not line up with other peoples’ methods. Keep moving. Progress always involves a little friction.
  4. Don’t dwell on past mistakes. Learn from your past; use it as information and fuel. Do not dwell on it. Press towards the mark; in the end, you will find your reward.
  5. Don’t give up after a few roadblocks or failed attempts. Every time you fall down or fail, it is a chance to try again with a better strategy, determination, and improved methods for success.
  6. Believe that you are good enough, strong enough, and capable of creating your future. Don’t have an “entitlement mentality.” Nothing is owed to you, regardless of your past or current circumstances. You’re the answer to what you want, and you don’t need anyone to give you anything.
  7. Cherish time with yourself. Miraculous ideas are often birthed in times of solitude, prayer, and meditation. 


Soccer Mindset and Skills Training

The best soccer mindset is one that is always willing to improve and develop all areas of soccer play. 

In soccer, you must work on all levels of skills development. This includes passing, receiving a pass, shooting, dribbling, and Goalkeeping. 

Being great at a position like a striker and a midfielder, but also being a good goaltender may be the difference of you being recruited by Div. 1 soccer program, playing on a national team, getting drafted to the MLS or even playing in the premier league.

A highly skilled player that can do multiple things is valued and often taken over good one-dimensional players. 

  • Passing – is one of the most fundamental skills in soccer, as it is how you move the ball from player to player. Soccer is a team sport and soccer players as a team is a beautiful way to play. 
  • Receiving a Pass – receiving a pass that is on the ground or air, requires coordination, patience, control and predictive ability. 
  • Shooting – The foundation of soccer is scoring you must learn how to shoot with either leg. Focusing on timing, accuracy, power, and different types of foot positions such as inside foot, outside slice, top of the foot power shots, and acrobatic shots. 
  • Dribbling – dribbling is the primary method of moving the ball up the field. 
  • Goalkeeping – last line of defense, in charge of doing whatever possible to keep the ball out of the goal.  

Soccer Websites

Premiere League

La Liga


How do you mentally prepare for soccer?

1. Meditate on success 2. Learn to breathe and relax before games 3. Focus on your responsibilities and game plan 4. Eat foods that promote brain health and on the field performance 5. Find harmony within the team while on the field

How can I get mentally stronger in soccer?

1. Prepare your body by training so you are fit 2. Prepare your mind for the challenges you will face 3. Be prepared for the obstacles 4. Learn how to detach from failure 5. Stay calm

How do you stay calm in soccer?

1. Focus on your breath 2. Look to solve problems 3. Don't get caught up in conflict 4. Keep your mind focused on defending and scoring 5. Play with you head up observing the field of play

Why do you play soccer?

Soccer is about strategy, harmony, and endurance. It is different than other sports where size is not so much a factor. But rather skill, endurance, and strategy win!

How do you think fast in soccer?

You think fast in soccer by understanding the movement within the game. Soccer is a game of movement and strategy much like chess. You are waiting for the opening to strike. It may take 90 minutes so you must think fast when opportunity presents itself.

How do you focus in a soccer game?

Eliminate all the game distractions the fans, players talking junk, past mistakes and only focus on the task of defending, scoring and doing your job within the team concept

How do you handle pressure in soccer?

Be prepared! Get into the proper position and if you do that, you can stay calm and focus on what you need to do. Pressure will tend to decrease if you are prepared physically and know exactly what to do.

What soccer teaches us about life?

Soccer teaches athletes skills such as hard work, communication, teamwork, perseverance, and good decision making under pressure. They can learn to apply these learnings to all aspects of their life.

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