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What sports should a girl play?

what sport should a girl play

What is the best sport for a girl?

No limits for women in sports! Female participation in sports is growing exponentially all over the world. Women are thriving and achieving in many areas of games while also setting an example for other women. The women’s US soccer team has taken center stage on the world level, and people like Serena Williams, Alyson Felix, Simone Biles, and others are some of the best athletes in the world, regardless of gender. The success of women in sports has opened the door of options and given women and parents a wide variety of sports from which to choose. 

So the question for some is what sports should a girl play? This is a great question and will be determined by the interests, talents, personality, and social preferences of each child. 

Top 20 List of Best Individual Sports For Girls

  1. Track and Field
  2. Tennis
  3. BMX Racing
  4. Rock Climbing
  5. Gymnastics
  6. Contemporary Dance
  7. Ballet
  8. Golf
  9. Swimming 
  10. Skiing
  11. Bowling
  12. Figure skating
  13. Speed skating
  14. Diving 
  15. Mixed martial arts
  16. Table tennis 
  17. Racquetball
  18. Badminton
  19. Archery
  20. Cycling
  21. Surfing
  22. Snowboarding

Top team sports for girls

  1. Soccer
  2. Softball
  3. Basketball
  4. Volleyball
  5. Track and Field Relay Events
  6. Water Polo
  7. Beach VolleyBall
  8. Lacrosse
  9. Field Hockey
  10. Doubles Tennis
  11. Rowing
  12. Synchronized Swimming
  13. Cheerleading
  14. Artistic Gymnastics
  15. Competitive Swimming Relays
  16. Ice Hockey
  17. Gymnastics

Depending on if your daughter likes contact or prefers the social element and is self-motivated will determine what sport is best. 

What sport should my young daughter under ten play?

Sports for children under ten should focus on motor skill development and building confidence, self-esteem, and real positive value. 

Best Sports for Young Girls Under 10 

  • Gymnastics
  • Soccer
  • Swimming
  • Martial Arts
  • Track and Field
  • BMX

We should continue to tear down mental barriers that discourage girls from choosing less popular sports. Any interest in sports at a young age is great, and if a young girl wants to get involved in a sport that is traditionally a male sport, we should encourage interest while providing options and support in other games. 

A young girl’s interest trail in male-dominated sports like wrestling or martial arts will likely assist in overall mental, physical, and social development. So encouragement is excellent! 

What is the best sport for a teenage girl?

This depends on the teenage girls’ and overall parents’ goal. If the goal is to get a scholarship for college, then the options should be focused on major sports at the majority of college programs, such as softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, track and field, golf, gymnastics, field hockey, and swimming. 

With that being said, it is wise to choose a sport that your child is genuinely interested in; life has a way of rewarding those that genuinely move from the heart. Let’s take a look at games like snowboarding and surfing. Many could not predict the popularity of these sports. For those that chose to these sports for love are now benefitting from the business and sponsorship opportunities afforded to the most talented in these sports. 

The best sport for a teenage girl who wants to get a scholarship

  • Softball
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Tennis
  • Track and field
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Field hockey and 
  • Swimming

The best sports for an artistic teenage girl

  • Snowboarding
  • BMX
  • Rock Climbing
  • Mountain Biking
  • Surfing
  • Skateboarding
  • Figure Skating
  • Dance
  • Ballet
  • Tennis

What sport should I play quiz


What Sport Should I Play

What's the most dangerous sport?

Most Dangerous Sports: Excitement, highlight, adrenal rush, fame, intensity, zeal, anticipation, and enthusiasm associated with dangerous sports are always gravitating pull for some athletes. Many of us like the calm of a mindful meditation room, but others like the danger and excitement that comes with the world's most eye-raising sports. Breathtaking and crazy moments that stop the typical person in their tracks and bring the thrill seeker to life. This person wants a life full of excitement, highlight reels, and feelings that only the chosen few have the inner courage to do. If you or your child like to live a very enthusiastic and thrill-seeking sort of sports pleasure, maybe they will be motivated to try these sports and face the real dangers of entertainment and life while participating in the world's most dangerous games.

These type of sports are thrilling and provided terrific moments, but they are not for the week minded or for those that cannot overcome fear. 

Here is a list of the world's most dangerous sports for girls?

  • Base Jumping
  • Cheerleading
  • Bullriding
  • Big Wave Surfing
  • Rock climbing
  • Cave Diving
  • Motocross Riding
  • White Water Rafting
  • Cliff diving

What sport is easy to pick up?

No sport or game is easy. All sports require mental fortitude, discipline, dedication, commitment, skill, some talent, and great work ethic over a significant period.

But, the most straightforward sports are the games that are not overly complex, technical, and that require elite levels of athleticism from the start. The games and sports allow the young girl to use the necessary motor skills and mental capacity to participate. These are not games where a participant will need to have preexisted power, elite athleticism physically. They should be able to come to a competition on a basic level of play.

Perfect role models of technically and skillful demanding sports are tennis, motocross, volleyball, and boxing…. These sports are difficult to learn and require specific skills, body understanding, position, and motor movements to be able to be efficient at these problematic sport such as serving a tennis ball, backhanding a shot, or digging, and setting.

Additionally, jumping a motorcycle 70 feet in the air and after immediately landed hitting the breaks and making a quick left turn is difficult and takes time. It does not require elite athleticism, but it does require unique motor skills.

The common trait with these sports is that even with the best body physique, you must still learn specific skills.

Easier sports are ones that do not require any technical skills. Granted, they are still tough sports but are more comfortable to pick up.

Basketball, football, soccer, and sprinting are elementary to pick up at a basic level. Of course, at the elite level, they are difficult, if not more than those mentioned above. But the initial transition is more natural. Just having fun is a more accessible possibility of playing basketball, football or soccer versus tennis, riding motocross, or rock climbing.  Again and it would be difficult to compete at the highest of levels, but they are still easy to pick up in the beginning stages.

Sprinting is simple; you must run in a straight line. Simple... until you line up against Usain Bolt!

What is the cheapest sport to play?

My Top Five List of Cheapest sports include:

  • Soccer is the cheapest to start and learn but the play for play club system out of control
  • Basketball is one of the least expensive games to learn but AAU. the system is costing more and more
  • Track and field is also a cost-effective option
  • Swimming is a relatively efficient use of your money
  • Snowboarding a Skiing if you buy a season pass can be an inexpensive sports option

What is the #1 sport in the world?

The #1 Sport in the world is soccer. Or more notable futbol. Futbol is easy for people to get involved in; just buy a ball and start kicking it. Children from countries all over the world play this sport, and the reason is the low cost of entry.

What is the best sport for your body?

The Top 7 Best Sports for your body are:

  • Swimming
  • Track and Field
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Beach VolleyBall
  • Tennis
  • Cycling
  • Rowing

What sport is the healthiest?

The Top 5 Healthiest Sports are:

  • Swimming
  • Track and Field
  • Tennis
  • Beach VolleyBall
  • Rowing
  • Cycling
  • Natural Cross-Functional Training - CrossFit

Which athletes are the fittest?

Top 7 Fittest Athletes in the world

  • Decathletes
  • Olympic 400 meter Runners
  • Triathletes
  • Boxers
  • Premier League Soccer Center MidFielder
  • All-Pro NFL Cornerback
  • Tour de France cyclists

Women Sports Websites


What is the best sport for a girl?

Gymnastics Swimming Track and Field Dance Soccer

What is best sport for teenage girl?

The best sport for a teenage girl wanting a scholarship is Softball, Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis or Basketball. The best sports for a teenage girl to start sports are Golf, Tennis, Dance and the same as those mentioned above. It is never too late. Choose from this list or whatever you are passionate about.

What sport is easy to pickup?

Soccer, basketball, dance, and running.

What is the #1 sport in the world?

Soccer or its name outside the United States futbol.