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Mental Toughness – The Right Mindset For The CoronaVirus

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what is mental toughness


Mental toughness in people is one of the main things that separates success from failure. Mental fortitude also is known as “long-suffering,” it is a character trait that produces great achievement, increases income, and changes the world. This is the ability to handle stress for long periods of time. 

Mental toughness and life perseverance are not just about making it through the day; Difficulty cannot be an excuse to be complacent in a bad situation. It’s about you becoming resolute in the pursuit of something you want to achieve. It’s about maintaining a focus, not being discouraged by the obstacles, or trying to take the easy path. Mental toughness being aware of the barriers and listening to something deeper in yourself that says, “keep going.”


Mental toughness is the mental ability to withstand losing hope, maintaining a positive but realistic perspective while always continuing to take the actions that produce the outcomes you are looking for.  So as all of us deal with the changing environment due to the COVID-19 we must not lose hope nor stop taking the daily actions that promote the mental, physical and economic well being.

Mental fortitude is one of the keys to maintaining mental health and success in life.


Mental toughness, adapt without compromising one’s core beliefs, is one of the keys to living a life of purpose, and maintaining the right PERSPECTIVE!

 An optimistic perspective but also realistic about the challenges and obstacles we face, in addition to the right strategy to propel us towards our goals. Mental toughness is ultimately a decision. 

Can mental toughness be taught?

Yes, you can teach yourself to be mentally tough! By bounce back from defeat with an immediate practice to work on your weaknesses.  Showing resilience when you are going through an extremely difficult workout.

By not quitting or showing emotions of fatigue or frustration. Lastly mentally tough athletes need to have consistency and stability by showing up on time and training no matter how difficult it is. During this coronavirus, you must still be training even if its just basketball drills and calisthenics in your living room. I personally am holding an online home workout on YouTube.

What is mental toughness in sports?

Mental toughness in sports is maintaining a winning attitude which includes maintaining composure, training hard, pursuing excellence during practice and never allowing the failure during the competition to get you down.

The best mindset coaches tend to focus on not only being able to identify the external factors and attitudes that impact one’s mindset. But they also focus on what allows in your mind. Mental toughness books give an athlete or person seeking to improve their thought-life a valuable resource to acquire the right spiritual practice.

How a Mentally Tough Athlete Handles Social Media

Mental toughness requires you to learn how to ignore the critics and to push through the struggle. Mental strength is a secret to attaining success in life. If you want the keys and tips to achieve goals, mental toughness training is one of the keys. Here at Souletics®, we focus on helping develop a mind that is strong, flexible, problem-solving and unbreakable. If you are going to make something in life, you must focus and work hard, intelligently, consistently for some time.

 Don’t get distracted by the noise, social media, and pop culture. Real accomplishments don’t come without effort. Our sustained success is usually birthed from great habits and excellence over some time. They take daily action, mental fortitude, and they require endurance to run the race long enough to see the rewards of your hard work.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ― Nelson Mandela

If you’re trying to accomplish something rare or uncommon, you will need mental toughness, a proper strategy, and the right team and mindset coach. We are here to support you in achieving the extraordinary dream!

How do Navy Seals increase mental toughness?

Navy Seals are some of the most mentally tough people in all the military. Here are a few techniques they use to improve mental toughness: Positive self-talk, visualization, setting small achievable goals that put you on the path towards bigger goals, repeating positive affirmations and Biblical Pslam scriptures,  and deep breathing help deal with stress and anxiety that is associated with high-pressure situations.



A fixed mindset is stagnant and without growth. A mindset that is focused on the challenges, obstacles, and the current situation is stagnant. it is not looking at solutions or moving forward. It additionally continues to replay those negative situations, over and over in mind. Which creates neuropathways that become difficult but not impossible to overcome. 

A growth mindset is one that accepts reality; you agree that the situation is challenging or difficult. But you have a different perspective in that you see it as a chance to grow, to gain a new skill, and advance yourself personally, which will most likely produce a positive external result. If you choose to adopt a growth mindset, you will take positive actions that create positive outcomes. 



Confidence & Strategy: Is it enough?

Optimism is the hope that leads to more significant accomplishments. It is difficult to achieve great things without faith, hope, and confidence.

Quite often, people talk about confidence, or swagger, as some call it. Faith can be defined as a belief in one’s self or a chosen entity. But self-confidence does not necessarily imply “self-belief” or confidence in one’s ability to succeed.

It may be at a particular sport, activity, demeanor,  or perception that others have of them. While it is a necessary component for achievement, by itself it is not enough. Recently I was watching an episode of Ninja Warrior.

One of the contestants had incredible athleticism, strength, and speed. She looked like the clear favorite. She lined up, took two steps, and immediately fell in the water. I said to myself, it was actually her belief, or shall I say too much of it, that caused the contestant to fail at the first obstacle and the most natural challenge.

Confidence is what says you can do it. It is the engine that attempts the endeavor. But it is not confidence that completes the task. The right strategy is what allows you to win.

Mental Toughness Must Be Followed With Action

Pop culture speaks a lot about confidence and swagger, but rarely does it dive into the process, strategy, and obstacles in the way of success. I had found in my life that when I was struggling at an activity, rarely was it my confidence that got me through. Often success was found in developing the right strategy.

“You must eat while you pursue your athletic dreams.


To reach your goals. You will be required to deliver on short-range responsibilities while you develop and pursue your specific athletic goals. Your goals will likely take some time, so you will need to take care of the concerns of the day so you can stay on the path towards your BIG goals.


The success of doing both. Walking and listening to music. Make sense!


Accomplish daily tasks and responsibilities while doing the actions that will propel you towards long-range dreams


If you’re starting a new business, make more money, advance your career, or wanting to reach athletic goals, etc…Most likely, it will take the belief to take action and the right strategy to have the success you’re looking for.



Written by Claude M. Bristol and initially released in 1948, The Magic of Believing is a prosperity classic.  Bearing some similarities with Think And Grow Rich, though not nearly as widely read, The Magic of Believing goes deeper into the mysterious and untold powers the human brain possesses.

Along the way, Bristol acknowledges that the “science” he presents may sound too far out there for many readers.  And indeed, there are times when the ideas presented appear to be heading in a “new age” direction.

But he always manages to pull us back into the simple reality that belief, when coupled with reaffirming action, still bears real fruit.

To all the non-believers out there, this book may seem far fetched.  Being a faith-driven person, it wasn’t a stretch for me to accept the premise that the simple act of believing can yield miraculous results.  But we often don’t evaluate our thoughts enough to know with any degree of certainty that we believe at the proper caliber to attain the results we desire.

Undoubtedly, the concept of self-belief has proven time and again to catapult ordinary people into extraordinary feats. It has been the subject of a great many self-help and motivational books.  But this book sets itself apart in offering practical methods for turning belief into action.

Too often, I’ve thought I believed by directly directing my conscious thoughts in the direction I wanted them to go.  Yet I was thoroughly unaware that my subconscious mind was working against me, undoing much of the positive effort I was trying so hard to put forth.

I didn’t realize that the “fowls of the air” (Mark 4:4, KJV) many times were figments of my negative programming coming to devour the seeds I was trying to plant.  The Mirror Technique – one of the chapters of this book – taught me a valuable strategy in reprogramming my subconscious so that it would work with my conscious mind to create a new environment in which the positive thoughts would reign supreme and overpower any negative suggestion that might dare enter in.

Since I find myself lately having less and less time to sit down and read a book, I listened to the audio version of this book a few times over in my car, or while cooking and cleaning, and I highly recommend it as an audiobook. It’s engaging and thought-provoking, but not too heavy – the perfect type of information to soak in through the ears.


When you learn how to get over your mental blocks, you will quickly realize how your mindset, good or bad, has everything to do with what you have experienced in life. This is not to say we may not experience horrible situations that are out of control, but that our power lies with how we respond to our circumstances.

But with that being said, when you remove the mental blocks, you will quickly see how you have gotten in the way of your success. Removing the psychological blocks in your mind will directly improve your mental toughness, which is your ability to deal with the non-ideal situation.

Eliminating your mental blocks will boost focus and heighten clarity. When this happens, you improve your ability to make decisions. We call this spiritual discernment!

You are now able to deal with non-ideal situations, identify where you should focus your mental, physical, and spiritual energy, and identify possible challenges and outcomes before they happen. This is what removing mental blocks can do for you! 

When you have mental toughness, mental focus, mental clarity, and spiritual discernment, you have now removed all the internal and external influences that break concentration, cloud your vision, and zap your mental energy.  Removing the mental blocks allows you to separate yourself from the pack.  You will be on your way to the next level, while others are still stuck in the mud, distracted by their thoughts and external influences that hold the majority of the population down. This is not a slight, but a reality. The world is getting more toxic, with more noise and information to distract and contaminate the mind. This is why mindset fitness programs are critical to keeping the mind sharp.

Why is mental toughness important?

For an athlete, I can’t say it enough “Mindset is Everything.” As Souletics® the mindset coach, we consider meditation for athletes and a healthy mindset to be the keys to peak performance. Our focus is on providing mental strategies for life, resulting in peak performance in all areas of your life. Today we’re talking about mindset coaching, which is how to train your brain to become sharper for athletic performance, and maintaining that sharpness as you age.

Get Your Mind Right: Many once believed that brain function peaks during early adulthood and then slowly declines, leading to memory issues and brain fog in what should be considered wisdom years. As a mindset coach, I can say that external factors contribute to this health decline and brain fatigue. However, with the right strategies, techniques, and coaching, you can prolong and even promote higher levels of focus and creativity as you age.

How food affects your mind?

Our modern, technology-driven, fast living, processed food buying habits are playing a significant role in cognitive decline like memory loss. Please think about the impact that external factors like diet and other bad habits have on athletic performance. These factors make it critical to limit exposure to toxins, stop eating processed foods, and forcing ourselves to function on limited sleep. Much like a swimmer, sprinter, or quarterback needs a coach; your mindset should be treated in the same way by giving yourself access to a mental toughness coach.

High-quality foods with good fatty acids, powerful antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients will feed the brain and protect. The result is a sharper mind that is able to focus and ability to make quick decisions.

A healthy lifestyle will result in a healthier brain and possibly encourage neurogenesis, which is new brain cell growth. This results in mental clarity, improved focus, and increased cognitive action, which results in improved performance, longevity, and more wins.

An additional factor is living a life of purpose; mindfulness will assist in keeping the mind inspired.