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Why is time management essential for athletes?

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Why is time management essential for athletes?

Why calendar planning skills an essential practice for elite athletes?

Why is time management essential for athletes? Time management is the most critical soft skill necessary for long-term high-level success. If you desire to prosper and succeed in athletics, you must implement a scheduling program using some calendar planning book or program. More importantly, using a written calendar planner is critical as writing your plans, goals, and activities down wires the brain in a different way. A study by Dominican University stated when you write down your goals; you are 42% more likely to accomplish those goals. 

In life, sports, and business, using a calendar is of the highest importance.  Regardless of whether you are a family-focused, elite athlete, president, CTO, or a non-exempt employee, the use of a business calendar planner can help you with maintaining a specific strategic schedule.

Additionally, calendar planning can prevent you from missing classes, practices, important meetings, and assist you in outperforming your competition. 

In athletics, you must plan your success as failure is often due to a lack of planning or not committing to that plan. A proper plan can take a misguided, directionless person and make it into that of a highly targeted missile. 

22 Time Management and Calendar Scheduling Keys for Athletes

Refuse to Procrastinate 

Do not allow yourself to procrastinate or wait to purchase your first calendar planner. Procrastination is the precursor to lost dreams, missed goals, lost opportunities, and failure. Choose to get up, take action by using a calendar planner, and scheduling your first week. 

Prioritize Growth

Focus on growth and a mindset that looks to learn by scheduling daily activities that will encourage personal growth and long term success. 

Prioritize Practice

As an athlete, you must prioritize sports practice ad being on time is a millionaire mindset character trait. As a high school, collegiate, or elite athlete, practice is essential, so scheduling your day around the practice to be a great athlete must practice sports-specific drills. Additionally, you must set aside time to study your sport during film time. 

Prioritize Study Time

Intellectual growth is just as crucial as developing physical characteristics. Scheduling a day that allows you to grow academically and intellectually will serve you as an athlete well over the long haul. 

Use a Calendar Planner

Use a calendar planner to schedule your activities. a Planner calendar will simplify the scheduling and planning of essential activities. The right calendar planner will help you schedule short term activities that will result in your long-range dreams and aspirations. 

Complete Assignments in order of importance

One of the best ways to prevent procrastination and accomplish your daily tasks is by tackling assignments in order of importance and relevance. It is tackling the most important responsibilities first that have the nearest due date. 

Begin Studying in Advance

Do not wait to study the night before; start your study plan should start at least a week in advance to prevent you from running into overload with too much on your table and not enough time to complete. 

Avoid Procrastination

This was listed above, but it is on the list again because procrastination will stop you from getting to your desired destination. Refuse to procrastinate; get and start now. 

Don’t Take On Too Many non-important responsibilities

Learn to say no and do not take on more than required. Limit your schedule to the important stuff, do not allow ourselves to get pulled into things that do not yield the intellectual and athletic results you desire. 

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Sleep is essential to productivity; when I go to bed before 11 and get 8 hours of sleep, I feel better and energize for the day. Sleep is your time to rest, recover, and renew; do not rob yourself. 

Place a time limit on tasks

Place a time limit on tasks you can stay on track. If you start your study a week in advance, you can plan to study for an hour each day leading up to your examination, which will allow you to stay on track with other activities during the day, rather than being forced to study for 8 hours straight which ultimately will impact your entire day resulting in others areas of your life suffering. 

Plan your week one week in advance

Plan and schedule tasks a week in advance; this will give you the needed time to complete tasks and perform well. I am waiting until the last minute forcing you to be reactionary instead of strategic. 

Complete essential and challenging tasks in the morning if possible

The mornings are the best time to complete essential tasks as you are energized from a full nights sleep. Do not wait or procrastinate until the end of the day when your energy levels are starting to deplete. Use your time and energy wisely. 

Schedule time for prayer

Self-care is essential to success, and taking time for prayer is a time that should not be taken lightly. This is your time to reflect and set the vision for your life. 

Plan time for meditation

meditation is slightly different than prayer in the meditation is to think on things it is thinking on a specific subject such as love, gratitude, kindness, or patience. 

Ignore the Noise

Success will require you to increase your ability to ignore the noise, stay focused on your vision, and stay consistent in doing the actions daily to get the results your desire. 

Schedule break and rest time

Rest, recovery, and renewal are vital in maintaining peak performance over the long haul. You must schedule a time to rest and take breaks throughout the day and during times of high physical output. Plan time to relax and recover from the week’s challenges, obstacles, and responsibilities. Go for a walk, read a book, or go watch a comedy movie. 

Get 8 hours of sleep

Learn to deny yourself activities – Success will require you at times to deny yourself activities that others are doing. All progress requires some level of discipline. Learn to say no to some things so you can do the things that truly move your heart and align with your life vision. 


Use a calendar planner

Use a planner calendar for scheduling and planning activities. Of course, we suggest ours as it is specific to the lifestyles people have. But their several planners out there to choose from. A planner that has a calendar will help you get targeted with your goals and what you must do to achieve and surpass them. 

Find others that share your discipline

Surround yourself with others that share similar goals and desire to get strategic about reaching those dreams. Life will sometimes require you to run alone at some point, but it is nice to have someone to run and celebrate with. If at all possible, run in a pack, but if not, keep running towards your goals and dreams despite the challenges or circumstances. The result will be rewarding beyond your wildest imagination, and you will likely encounter a group of people at the finish line waiting for you and celebrating your journey. 

Greatness will require a plan

Talent and special moments can often happen without much thought, but greatness requires a unique skill set. Greatness requires you to plan and to be strategic with your actions, when and where you place your energy. If you get serious about planning, scheduling, and strategically taking actions that are directly connected to your goals, you will experience life in a way that is unimaginable. 

A Plan Has No Bias

A plan is not biased; it does not discriminate, nor does it make determinations before you start to take action on that plan. When you choose to plan, you are choosing to take control over what you can control your actions and your vision. You are doing all that you can do. You are removing your personal roadblocks, so now the only thing that can stop you is external, which you can plan for. 

Why is time management essential for athletes and you should use a calendar planner?

A calendar planner will help you plan your success; it will allow you to take control of your actions and schedule the activities in detail that will propel you towards your goals. 

Calendar Planners

Strategic Planning for Athletes


Why is it important for athletes to write down goals?

Writing down goals helps focus attention to whats important and increases motivation. Additionally, a study by Dominican University study stated writing down goals increases the odds of achieving those goals by 43%.

Why is it important for athletes to use a calendar planner?

A calendar planner will help you simplify the details of planning for success. It help the athlete document and schedule the actions that will produce the athletic and life outcomes they desire.