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Mental Performance Coach

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Mental training for athletes

Mindset Coach – Souletics Program

How The Souletics® Mindset Coaching Program Is Different

First of all, while there are plenty of mindset coaches out there who are experts in the theory of overcoming mental blocks and achieving goals, very few can say they’ve applied these principles in as many different endeavors as we have. In short, we don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk.

Secondly, our program does not involve any pills, therapists, or new age practices. We teach the tried and true principles of self-reflection, proper strategy, the right kind of hard work, and renewing the mind through daily mindfulness and meditation.

We teach you how to face your past experiences and identify which ones are holding you back.

Then we teach you some practical yet very powerful techniques that you can use in as little as 5 minutes a day to replace those negative thoughts with positive expectations.

Straightforward Mental training for athletes

No hypnosis, strange spiritual practices, and no way out there mindset quirks. Mental performance coach for athletes that are serious about protecting their mind while also removing unnecessary y mental roadblocks.


Our founder is a two-sport pro athlete, engineer, and person that has done in multiple areas and still puts in work every day. He understands athletes as he is one and knows what it takes. ~ Souletics

We also teach a meditation technique called “mindfulness meditation,” which shows you how to become more aware of your environment while focusing your mind on a specific thought, scripture, and positive outcomes.

This practice is so powerful because the more you do it, the more your brain creates new neural connections that prompt you to move in the direction you want to go. You begin to expect success, and as you continue to grow in this area, successful results soon manifest.


Professional athletes, high school athletes, and collegiate athletes that must maximize their performance at all times.

We assist clients that struggle with confidence, anxiety, and mental instability.

Other related topics include weight loss, personal development, improving awareness, focus, and mental toughness.

We only serve clients who desire to maximize their full potential. We look at everyone individually and work with you one on one to meet your specific challenges and desired results.

Our approach encompasses a mind, body, and soul methodology that is holistic while using the most effective integrative practices that take advantage of the best of technology.

Are Mental Blocks Stopping You From Being Healthy

Mind blocks can stop you in your tracks! Mind blocks can cause you to overeat, binge eats, not eat at all or work out excessively, which can cause adrenal fatigue.

We all have mental blocks that are limiting us from reaching our potential in some area of our life. There is nothing worse in life than living below your potential because there is always that voice inside you that calls for you to do more and be more.

Performance Over Popularity – Seek Impact Instead of Validation

I don’t mean in some fame-seeking or external validation plan, but we all have talents, gifts, ideas, and a vision that can be different from the life we are living. Souletics online program assists you in not only identifying mental blocks but taking practical actions that improve your health and fitness levels, which also develop your mindset.


This means fulfilling your specific purpose. When you are living a life with mental focus and mental clarity, everything comes to life, your relationships, your career, and your experiences. Having access to a mental performance coach will give you the opportunity to fine-tune your gifts in a safe and stress-free environment.

We support you while evaluating you in growing your strengths and eliminating mindset blocks so you can accomplish your goals and experience life as you should.


Strategic, No-Nonsense, Attentive, Authentic, Personal Pathway to Your Success

Performance Coach: I would define myself as a strategic life analyst and engineer that identifies tweaks or updates people and businesses can make that result in massive positive impact.

Success Coach: Often, success, and failure are either found in the choices we have and the decisions we make or small details we overlook. My nature is to identify the malfunctions on the road to your defined success.

Then help fix it, with strategy methods, mindset changes, and new positive actions. So you can say I’m a “strategic life engineer” that provides solutions to the obstacles opposing your progression.


Get Coaching To Help Navigate The Increasing Responsiblitirs and Complexities of Life

Most of us are faced with an increasing amount of responsibilities in our day to day lives, sometimes to an overwhelming degree. There is so much noise in the world now, making it becoming more challenging to create the experiences that we truly desire.


Today’s world is complicated, to say the least, and much more so than generations that came before us.


Our parents and grandparents didn’t have cell phones, cable bills, multiple high price insurance policies, or inflated mortgages. Most families today are on a hamster wheel, just trying to pay their monthly bills.

Success should be your goal in life, whatever that looks like for you. It is different for everyone so that I won’t define that for you, but what I will do is help you reach your desired result.

And if you need help defining it, we will explore the many facets of your life and character to figure out exactly what success means for you, and what your desired result will be.  Our goal is to build a lasting long term personal relationship built on trust and the definition of success that suits you!

Although it will be a process requiring several vital components to achieve your results, my definition of success is based on results and that you start seeing improvements in yourself from the very start.


You will quickly transform and grow in your ability to influence, lead, and create positive changes in those around you.

Get a Performance Coach That Has Done It and Can Coach You

Authentic performance coaching

I can tell you firsthand that I have participated in sizeable big-name training that appeared on the surface to be impactful. Still, they turned out to be more about building their brand than creating real transformation for the participants. It’s an incredibly disappointing experience to put your trust and hard-earned money into another person’s hands, only to receive little in return.

Our coaching program involves us sitting down to address your expectations and exploring your strengths and limitations together.  I am here to discuss your obstacles while showing you how to achieve anything you desire. You will learn some critical strategies from me, but I will also learn from you.

It is not the external obstacles that limit us, but most often, it is ourselves. I will assist you in addressing the malfunctions in your evolution to greatness and how to liberate yourself from self-defeating, self-sabotaging, and limiting thoughts.  You will ultimately develop the skill to rely on you.  You will become your mentor, life coach, and cheerleader.

My plan for you is to tap into your hidden talents and become your hero. You will recognize that not only is anything possible but that it is attainable for you. My mission is that you will experience success. And that you have always desired, but perhaps you’ve even been unwilling to admit to it.

Mindset Coaching is Key

Where is Your Mind?

For an athlete, I can’t say it enough “Mindset is Everything.” As Souletics® the mindset coach, we consider meditation for athletes and a healthy mindset to be the keys to peak performance. Our focus is on providing mental strategies for life, resulting in peak performance in all areas of your life. Today we’re talking about mindset coaching, which is how to train your brain to become sharper for athletic performance, and maintaining that sharpness as you age.


Mindset and Brain Function

Many once believed that brain function peaks during early adulthood and then slowly declines. Thus leading to memory issues and brain fog in what should be considered wisdom years. As a mindset coach, I can say that external factors positively contribute to this health decline and brain fatigue. However, with the right strategies, techniques, and coaching, you can prolong and even promote higher levels of focus and creativity as you age.

Technology, Mindset, and Cognitive Decline

Our modern, technology-driven, fast living, processed food buying habits are playing a significant role in cognitive decline like memory loss. Please think about the impact that external factors like diet and other bad habits have on athletic performance. These factors make it critical to limit exposure to toxins, stop eating processed foods, and forcing ourselves to function on limited sleep. Much like a swimmer, sprinter, or quarterback needs a coach; your mindset should be treated in the same way by giving yourself access to a mental coach.

A healthy lifestyle will result in a healthier brain and possibly encourage neurogenesis, which is new brain cell growth. This results in mental clarity, improved focus, and increased cognitive action, which results in improved performance, longevity, and more wins.

An additional factor is living a life of purpose; mindfulness will assist in keeping the mind inspired.


Mental Toughness Training For Athletes

Mental fortitude in athletes is one of the main things that separates the winners from the losers. Also known as “long-suffering,” it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Mental toughness and perseverance aren’t just about making it today, and it’s not an excuse to be complacent in a bad situation. It’s about the athlete becoming resolute in the pursuit of something he or she wants to achieve. It’s about maintaining a focus, not being discouraged by the obstacles, or trying to take the easy route. Mental toughness is listening to something deeper in yourself that says, “keep going.”

Mentally Tough and Learning How To Ignore the Noise

It’s about ignoring the critics and pushing through the struggle. Mental Strength is a secret to attaining success in life. The key to If you want to know how to achieve goals, mental toughness training is one of the keys. Here at Souletics®, we focus on helping develop a mind that is strong, flexible, problem-solving, and unbreakable. If you’re going to make something in life, you’re going to have to pay for it through hard work, mental Strength, and dedication.

Don’t get distracted by the shiny facade of reality TV and pop culture. Real accomplishments don’t come easy. They take daily action, mental fortitude, and they require endurance to run the race long enough to see the rewards of your hard work.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ― Nelson Mandela

If you’re trying to accomplish something rare or uncommon, you will need mental toughness, a proper strategy and a team that includes a mindset coach. We are here to support you in achieving the uncommon dream!

Mental training Websites

Mental Traning For Athletes FAQ

What does Mamba mentality mean?

Mamba mentality is a constant quest to get better. It's that desire to be better, to figure things out.

Why do they call Kobe Mamba?

Kobe was looking to separate his life on and off the court, according to a 2014 interview with The New Yorker. Kobe felt like his name evoked so much negativity that he wanted people to see him almost like a superhero or character on the court (mamba) and off the court (Kobe).

What does Mamba mean in basketball?

The Mamba Mentality in Basketball refers to playing with the desire and passion to win like Kobe Bryant did.

How do athletes become better mentally?

1. Maintain a positive attitude. 2. Self-motivation. 3. Set high, realistic goals. 4. Embrace who you are 5. Visualize success 6. Don't be ruled by emotions

What is mental training?

Mental training is a piece of sports psychology that concentrates specifically on breaking through the mental blocks that s stop athletes from reaching their potential.

How much of sports is mental?

Sports are 100 percent mental and 100 percent physical. You must have the mental capability to back your physical gifts. And vice versa!

Why is mental preparation important in sport?

Most preparation is spent on physical yet the mental part is what activates them physically.

What do the best athletes have in common?

Inner confidence, perseverance, work ethic, discipline, ability to handle pressure, and love to compete.

How do athletes become more confident?

1. Overcome Fear 2. Focus on development and not comparisons. 3. Prepare daily 4. Practice daily 5. Work on weaknesses 6. Surround yourself with people that support and challenge you

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